Respect Honor Passion [-RHP-]


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Alliance history

Respect Honor PassionEDENCOM DEFENSIVE INITIATIVE2024-07-09 11:572025-03-06 19:067 months, 25 days, 7 hours and 9 minutes
Respect Honor PassionFederation of Respect Honor Passion Alliance.2023-08-19 08:332024-07-09 11:5710 months, 20 days, 3 hours and 24 minutes
Respect Honor PassionFederation of Respect Honor Passion Alliance.2021-12-31 15:562023-08-19 08:331 year, 7 months, 18 days, 16 hours and 37 minutes
Respect Honor PassionSYMPHONY OF SIMPLICITY2021-11-04 21:542021-12-31 15:561 month, 26 days, 18 hours and 2 minutes
Respect Honor PassionFederation of Respect Honor Passion Alliance.2020-10-25 18:372021-11-04 21:541 year, 10 days, 3 hours and 17 minutes
Respect Honor PassionHADES.2020-09-17 16:202020-10-25 18:371 month, 8 days, 2 hours and 17 minutes
Respect Honor PassionFederation of Respect Honor Passion Alliance.2019-08-17 13:062020-09-17 16:201 year, 1 month, 3 hours and 14 minutes
Respect Honor PassionDARKNESS.2016-09-18 19:122019-08-17 13:062 years, 10 months, 29 days, 17 hours and 54 minutes
Respect Honor PassionDistrict-852015-09-14 14:302016-09-18 19:121 year, 4 days, 4 hours and 42 minutes
u'\u2622-Focus-\u2622 pvp*Recruting*Neo
What we do: everything that is allowed in the game .
Was wir tun: alles was im Spiel erlaubt ist.
Hisec Losec WH 0sec
A Lot of Money* no proplemo
Loot pvp \u2714 /Bau \u2714 /pve \u2714 /Mining \u2714 /Filament \u2714 /Epic ArC \u2714 /Agentenmissionen \u2714 /Handel. \u2714

With us you get besides silly sayings of course a color and pilot advice
to many areas of EVE
and you can work your way up into the clan at any time !

Bei uns erh\xe4lst du neben dummen Spr\xfcchen nat\xfcrlich eine Farb und Piloten beratung
zu vielen bereichen von EVE
und kannst Dich jederzeit gerne ins Clan Geflecht Hoch schlaffen !
Und wen du weinen muss heul lie\xdfe.
Wen das f\xfcr dich ok ist \u2714und du
keine ein tags fliege bist , sprich mit uns*Recruting*NeoMaximus

We Kill WithRespect
Your loot is our Honor
We do this with Passion

Frozen Droplet of Blood*
Divine Opium*
Synthetic Coffee*
Jakon\'s Head*
A Tank of Honor* '



~ Updated at: 2025-03-06 19:06:54 ~

~ Next update in: 56 minutes ~

All EVE related materials are property of CCP Games